
strategic awareness

The Key to Becoming an Extraordinary Leader is Consciousness

When you see the results of these successful nonprofit organizations, you are seeing the extraordinary work of conscious leaders. The leadership qualities of the chief executive can have a profound effect on the ability of a nonprofit organization to perform effectively.  

Stop competing for less: How to adopt a 'blue ocean strategy' and unlock value innovations in the Boardroom

Why do some companies succeed in creating new markets while others fail?This question has driven the work of W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne over the past ten years and led them to conceptualize a framework for business innovation and success: Blue Ocean Strategy.

What is strategic awareness? 8 ways you can begin to use it in business and in life

Strategic awareness rarely features in modern textbooks on management, yet is something that can fundamentally change conversations and decision-making at the Board level. 

In essence, strategic awareness is the...