

How to improve Board Governance

How to improve Board Governance

Bowman’s main message was that each item for a board agenda would be linked to one of the fund’s strategic goals. He urged chairs to rigorously enforce this, partly as a means of preventing “personal gripes that go on for ages” from individual directors. Such a policy would also mean that agendas should not have an item labelled as “any other business”.

Using your Vision/Purpose to unlock business and service innovation

Your Vision statement is more than a catch phrase: it's a call to arms and one of the most powerful innovation tools available. But you need to know how to use it. The real question is: How well do we map our existing business, services and programs against the key elements of our Vision statement, and how well do we “walk the talk”?

Ending micromanagement around the Boardroom: A primer for Directors

Have you ever been trapped in a Board meeting that has totally lost its focus? Do you dread Board or staff meetings that achieve little or nothing? Sometimes, without even knowing it, any Director can waste the time of the Board by leaning into operations rather than strategic governance. So how do you handle the toxic trap of micromanagement?

How can we make our online board meetings more effective?

With current increased uncertainty and complexity, it may be tempting to put off the board meetings for your board or committee because you can’t meet face-to-face. But do you really need to cancel or simply pivot?

Three simple strategies to maximize your next external Board evaluation

For many corporate and nonprofit organisations alike, the need to evaluate the Board of directors, the strengths, weaknesses and skills gap at any given time, is critical to managing its effectiveness. Leverage these strategies and put your crosshairs on the areas that need the most improvement. 

[Whitepaper] What's the True Role of Your Board of Directors? (Hint: It's Not What You Think)

How you view the role of the Board can have a big impact on its effectiveness. Does your Board meet to tick the boxes on compliance? Or is it about choices and creation? This free white paper, Choices, Future, Communities, is a wake-up call to anyone who thinks they are too small to make a difference. 

“Even the cockatoos in the pet shops are talking about mergers in the Nonprofit Sector!”

Despite the challenges of regulatory uncertainty and economic pressure, a space to begin proactive discussions around mergers, acquisitions and other forms of sustainable growth has been created for organisations which are willing and prepared.

“We will never be hacked” and other cyber security myths that are leaving nonprofits exposed

How prepared an organization is to detect, respond and recover from a cyber attack will determine its resilience following the inevitable data or security breach it will suffer some day. Are you preapred for the inevitable? 

How to cut down wasteful Director micromanagement with a good Board induction program

If decision making around the Board room is likely to recede into the weeds its productivity and effectiveness is greatly diluted. The Board induction program is the first and greatest opportunity to set personal expectations from the beginning of a Director’s tenure. 

What is strategic awareness? 8 ways you can begin to use it in business and in life

Strategic awareness rarely features in modern textbooks on management, yet is something that can fundamentally change conversations and decision-making at the Board level. 

In essence, strategic awareness is the...

Before you alert the press: How to evaluate merger opportunities for the greatest compatibility

The primary reason driving most mergers is to gain some type of advantage or to stave off some sort of disaster. The only way organizations can decide if a merger makes sense is to evaluate whether it significantly advances their vision and strategic objectives. Since these strategies are, presumably, designed to increase the ability of the organization to deliver against its vision, their accomplishment should, by definition, increase profitability.

How do you stop a great CEO from leaving? Change their performance management

One of the key assets of any nonprofit organization is its CEO (or MD, EO, GM, Coordinator or any other title that represents the chief staff leader). A primary reason many great CEOs choose to leave their organization is due to poor handling of their performance management by the Board, or sometimes not at all.