Key Performance Indicators and performance management frameworks tailored specifically for CEOs are of critical importance. Establishing a robust governance framework can significantly impact an organization's trajectory.
Is Your Constitution Fit for Purpose?
One of the core responsibilities of board directors is to ensure that the organisation's governance structures are robust, relevant, and legally compliant. Yet, the importance of regularly reviewing constitutions is often overlooked until something goes wrong.
Using your Vision/Purpose to bring Board conversations back on track
A common theme for many Boards is not knowing how to deal with conversations that go off the rails. Here are some key strategies, including how to use your Vision Statement, to help bring Board interactions and conversations back on track.
Mentoring guidelines for new Directors
One of the key elements of a high performing Board, is the presence of a mandatory mentoring system for new Board members. If this is something you believe your new Board members would welcome, then here are some guidelines we have found useful when designing mentoring programs for new Board members.
Getting new Directors to where they need to be - Developing induction programs that work
The day a person joins the leadership team on a board of directors is the day they become liable for the decisions of the board. Preparing new board members for this responsibility is the function of a well-designed board induction program.
Building your Board Director pipeline: Developing an induction program for prospective Directors
Have you ever dreamed of having a waiting list of high performing Directors who know about your organization, who know what it means to be strategic, and who ask questions from Day 1 that open up insights and possibilities for everyone on your Board?
3 ways to handle a board decision you disagree with (even if you are the lone voice)
Reasonable people can disagree on important issues. But what do you do if you firmly believe the consensus decision is wrong and that the Board is veering toward a decision that could be extremely damaging?
6 ways you can assist an underperforming Board member
What do you do when a new Director is not performing to the standard expected of them? Whether this Director was tapped on the shoulder or was the successful applicant, ongoing performance should be non-negotiable.
The Case for Nonprofit Board Succession Planning
In a recent study, less than half the nonprofit CEOs surveyed said they did not have an adequate succession planning process in place. If building a board leadership pipeline is among the most important areas for board improvement, why does it routinely fail to take priority?
5 choices you can make to become a Conscious Leader in your workplace and in your life
Cultivating what it means to be a conscious leader is not a deception, pretense or a performance. It is a deliberate choice about how you choose to live and about how you choose to be a leader at work and in your life.
The 10 duties and responsibilities that every Director must understand
Use the following as a sample of Director standards with which to inform and assess each Director on the Board as well as incoming candidates or volunteers.
How to cut down wasteful Director micromanagement with a good Board induction program
If decision making around the Board room is likely to recede into the weeds its productivity and effectiveness is greatly diluted. The Board induction program is the first and greatest opportunity to set personal expectations from the beginning of a Director’s tenure.
For the nonprofit CEO: 3 responsibilities you must embrace for higher performance
The CEO has the challenging task of implementing the Board’s policies and strategies, engaging with key stakeholders, managing staff, and managing the resources of the organization.
For the board savvy CEO: your 8 steps to building an unbreakable relationship with the board
Eight of our best steps you can begin to implement today, which promise to put you in good shape to becoming a Board savvy CEO. This will enable a productive relationship to take place, and is crucial for trust to be fostered and strategic outcomes achieved much faster.
How to Remove an Unproductive Board Member
Removing a Director should occur either by performance management (e.g. Board evaluation results), structural management (e.g. term limits or constitutional and/or legal requirements invoked), or by perception management (e.g. offering a position on an advisory committee)
11 engagement techniques to improve your board attendance rates
Have you ever had (or heard of) the situation where one or more Board members were either consistently late, or were not turning up on a regular basis (with or without pre-warning)?
5 Practices Every CEO Should Adopt to Help Their Business Thrive
For innovation to thrive in an organization, the CEO plus Board of Directors must actively promote the right culture.
Is your Boardroom optimized for success? The 3 thinking habits to watch out for in the coming year
The thinking habits of an organization's Board of directors plays an important role in shaping the culture of its workforce and the effectiveness of its strategies.
The 7 Essential Skills of a Successful CEO
The CEO is crucial in developing a positive organizational culture, spurring innovation and ensuring the work of their team meets industry standards and keeps a healthy bottom line.
The 6 most powerful questions you can ask to enhance your Board’s Strategic Awareness
The strategic value of asking the right questions, especially during board meetings, is rarely tapped into. Start use the six most powerful questions below and watch the effectiveness of your board skyrocket.