The relationship between the nonprofit Board Chair and the CEO is arguably the most important relationship in the organization. What does it take to nurture the relationship, even bring it back from the brink?
Tips to avoid "CEO Syndrome" and biased information sources
Biased information sources make it difficult for the correct decision to be made, but often it's the behavior of those in leadership positions who can be at fault.
For the nonprofit CEO: 3 responsibilities you must embrace for higher performance
The CEO has the challenging task of implementing the Board’s policies and strategies, engaging with key stakeholders, managing staff, and managing the resources of the organization.
How do you stop a great CEO from leaving? Change their performance management
One of the key assets of any nonprofit organization is its CEO (or MD, EO, GM, Coordinator or any other title that represents the chief staff leader). A primary reason many great CEOs choose to leave their organization is due to poor handling of their performance management by the Board, or sometimes not at all.
For the board savvy CEO: your 8 steps to building an unbreakable relationship with the board
Eight of our best steps you can begin to implement today, which promise to put you in good shape to becoming a Board savvy CEO. This will enable a productive relationship to take place, and is crucial for trust to be fostered and strategic outcomes achieved much faster.
How to Remove an Unproductive Board Member
Removing a Director should occur either by performance management (e.g. Board evaluation results), structural management (e.g. term limits or constitutional and/or legal requirements invoked), or by perception management (e.g. offering a position on an advisory committee)
5 Practices Every CEO Should Adopt to Help Their Business Thrive
For innovation to thrive in an organization, the CEO plus Board of Directors must actively promote the right culture.
The 7 Essential Skills of a Successful CEO
The CEO is crucial in developing a positive organizational culture, spurring innovation and ensuring the work of their team meets industry standards and keeps a healthy bottom line.