

What is strategic awareness? 8 ways you can begin to use it in business and in life

Strategic awareness rarely features in modern textbooks on management, yet is something that can fundamentally change conversations and decision-making at the Board level. 

In essence, strategic awareness is the...

How do you stop a great CEO from leaving? Change their performance management

One of the key assets of any nonprofit organization is its CEO (or MD, EO, GM, Coordinator or any other title that represents the chief staff leader). A primary reason many great CEOs choose to leave their organization is due to poor handling of their performance management by the Board, or sometimes not at all.

How to Remove an Unproductive Board Member

Removing a Director should occur either by performance management (e.g. Board evaluation results), structural management (e.g. term limits or constitutional and/or legal requirements invoked), or by perception management (e.g. offering a position on an advisory committee)

The responsibilities of the Honorary Treasurer are too much for any one individual. Try this instead.

There have been too many examples where the functions of the Treasurer have been too much for one person, or there have not been the checks and balances on this position allowing the Treasurer to commit fraud, or remain ill-suited for the task at hand.