
Governance Review

Case Study: Rural Workforce Agency Victoria (RWAV)


Vision: Improve health for all in rural, regional and Aboriginal communities.



Rural Workforce Agency Victoria (RWAV) is a non-profit government funded organization which works to improve access and sustainability of healthcare services by developing and delivering health workforce solutions in rural, regional and Aboriginal communities in Victoria.

It specializes in recruitment, workforce support, retention and facilitating outreach services. RWAV’s mission is to develop and deliver solutions to enhance rural, regional and Aboriginal communities’ access to the health workforce.

RWAV delivers services throughout rural and regional Victoria – a network of approximately 2.3 million people, covering 425 Primary Care Centres including 356 GP practices, 47 Community Health Centres and 22 Aboriginal Health Services.

Through recruitment and retention, practice capacity and capability and informed workforce planning RWAV is ensuring the rural health workforce has access to comprehensive occupational support.


RWAV approached Conscious Governance to complete an External Board and Governance Review. This included a desktop review of Board documents, an on-site desk audit of governance processes, electronic stakeholder survey, one-on-one interviews with Board members and the eventual collation and analysis of evaluation results.

RWAV wanted to evaluate its governance practices and realign the Board to meet the challenges of the future.


A direct outcome of the evaluation was an increased focus on strategy and extracting strategic implications from reporting mechanisms. The evaluation also demonstrated ways to improve the processes, the decision making, and the outputs of the Board and senior executive team.

Another outcome was a restructuring of RWAV’s constitution, ensuring it remains relevant and fit-for-purpose in a modern organization.

We ended the evaluation with a series of 26 recommendations each aimed at fine tuning the strategic discussion in the Boardroom to support RWAV’s important work.


Case Study: La Trobe Community Health


Vision: “Better health, Better Lifestyles, Stronger Communities.”


Inspired by a vision of strong, vibrant communities and healthy lifestyles, La Trobe Community Health improves access to healthcare and provides better information about healthy lifestyle choices.

Its innovative approach to healthcare is to treat all clients and patients as a person, not as a series of isolated medical problems. This personal attention and care in service delivery has helped Latrobe Community Health Service become one of Australia’s fastest growing health services, with over a dozen locations around Victoria.

Some of its services include community-based health promotion programs, daily living and rehabilitation assistance, health checks and healthcare plans, medical care and nursing.


Conscious Governance was contacted to deliver a full Strategic Board Governance & Operations Review. This included a desktop review of Board documents, an on-site desk audit of governance processes, electronic stakeholder survey, one-on-one interviews with Board members and the eventual collation and analysis of evaluation results.

While it must participate in regular Board evaluations to remain compliant, La Trobe Community Health took this evaluation as an opportunity to explore further opportunities for growth and to extract even more value from the work of the Board.


Conscious Governance was able to help the Board fine tune the work of the governance and nominations committees, as well as improve the processes, decision making and the outputs of the Board and senior executive team.

This Governance Review included a review of Board strategic processes, Board structure, constitution, Board and stakeholder communication, Board compliance responsibilities and strategic operational issues that directly affect organizational governance.

Recommendations were made to better embed the strategic plan into La Trobe Community Health’s Board agenda in a more comprehensive manner. While it was already a high performing Board, this recommendation helped to enable Board meetings to remain focused on creating the desired future.

The evaluation helped the Board remain compliant, more capable of delivering effective governance and re-focused on its Vision and purpose.


Case Study: Housing Plus


Vision: "Our vision is for healthy, engaged and vibrant communities in which people enjoy opportunities to thrive."


Housing Plus is a leading regional community housing provider, offering low cost community and affordable housing for individuals and families on low to moderate incomes, as well as housing for people living with a disability. It also manages crisis and transitional housing for people experiencing homelessness, and women and children affected by domestic and family violence.

For over 30 years, Housing Plus has provided outstanding services in Central West and Western regions of NSW. Through purposeful accommodation, integrated support services and promoting social justice, Housing Plus promotes healthy, engaged and vibrant communities giving individuals the opportunity to thrive.


Housing Plus contacted Conscious Governance to conduct an External Governance & Operations Review. This included a desktop review of Board documents, an on-site desk audit of governance processes, electronic stakeholder survey, one-on-one interviews with Board members and the eventual collation and analysis of evaluation results.

After moving into a larger marketplace with greater competition, Housing Plus wanted to ensure it could absorb continued, rapid growth without compromising service quality or its financial health.

The Governance Evaluation included a review of the Housing Plus Board’s strategic processes, Board structure, constitution, Board and stakeholder communication, Board compliance responsibilities and strategic operational issues that directly affect organizational governance.


Following the Governance Review, Conscious Governance helped identify areas for improvement that would better enable Housing Plus to scale its operation as well as improving Board processes and decision making.

The individual director interviews conducted as part of the review were an opportunity for each Board member to give feedback and receive feedback on their individual contribution. It was also successful in helping each Board member understand ways they may add even more value to the Board’s discussion.

Housing Plus could provide evidence that it met and exceeded guidelines from the National Regulatory System for Community Housing Directorate.